
Welcome to my AS Foundation Portfolio. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence and evaluation for my Foundation Portfolio.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Evaluation Question Six - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From using the video camera to capture the footage for my product I learnt how to actually execute specific shots and camera angles as oppose to just having the knowledge of what they are and how to identify them. I also learnt about control with lighting and depth of field, and how both are factors that need to be considered when filming or I would risk poor quality in my final product.
With use of the tripod I learnt how it can greatly enhance the quality of some shots captured with the camera because it can maintain a steady shot, without this the footage would show signs that it was handheld (slightly shakey edges on screen). Although that was the intention of my product and none of the footage I shot with assistance of the tripod was put into my final product, I still learnt how it is useful and arguably required.
The Imac was something I was not at all familier with since I had rarely used one before and instead prefere a windows PC. Despite this the advantages of using the software available on the Imac became apparent once I had experimented with them and discovered how to use them efficiently. I've learnt that the Imac was the perfect piece of hardware when it came to finalising my product and putting all of the footage together. Editing and soundtrack creating was rediculously easy once I knew how to work each program too.

Photoshop benefitted my production as it was the program that I used to created my company logos and the title screen for my film, all were placed into my final product and were of great quality because of this software.

Final Cut Express is the program that I used to view all my footage once it had been shot and transfered (via firewire cable from tape) and to edit everything into place. This benefitted my production because without it, everything would have had to be one constant shot, with not editing of effects added at all. This would not only have resulted in a poorer quality product but would have massively limited creativity.

GarageBand is the piece of software I used to compose and create the soundtrack to my product. This
helped to improve the quality of my product as without it I would have had to record a soundtrack with real instruments and just imported it into Final Cut Express. With this program I was able to compose with small pre-recorded segments available on GarageBand itself, mix them together and cut it to size to match the requirements for my final product.

Prezi helped my production because it was a convienient way to display all my audience research and made it easy to reflect on it whilst creating my actual moving image product.

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