
Welcome to my AS Foundation Portfolio. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence and evaluation for my Foundation Portfolio.

Monday 23 January 2012

Secondary Audience Research

This is the audience profile for the director's cut of Donnie Darko. The majority of the audience for this film is aged 15-34 years, this makes up 82% of the total audience. The percentage split for gender is almost equal, tilting only slightly towards more of a male audience compared to female audience. Understandably the film is targeted heavily towards middle and upper class, this is probably because it allows an easier relation to the characters for people who fit into this category.

This is the audience profile for Inception, the second film I analyzed was Memento but there was no profile for that, Inception is similar however and does display Memento as the comparable profile choice. The age of the target audience is primarily 15-34 years (the same as Donnie Darko) with 67% making up this total. Strangely, the percentage split for gender is exactly half for both male and female audience members. This film is also heavily aimed towards middle and upper class, with a total of 82% of the audience falling into this category.

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