
Welcome to my AS Foundation Portfolio. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence and evaluation for my Foundation Portfolio.

Monday 10 October 2011

Print Prelim Final Product

The front cover and contents page below are the end results of creation via the use of software Adobe photoshop and Indesign. The front cover was actually produced on photoshop and then transfered onto Indesign in order to save the image with the contents page; the contents page was created entirely using Indesign, because of these two variations in production the background colour for each page is slightly different although this was not intentional.
With the front cover I used a technique of it appearing almost child friendly and cartoon-like as the masthead uses a mix of bright colours, unusual for a display aimed at a primary audience composed of teenagers. The subtext to the right of the masthead and scrolling down the page is a preview of the contents page, for this I drew inspiration from a newspaper column layout. The main image is edited to duplicate the model in order to appeal to young people who are just starting college, it suggests that despite the large numbers everyone was in exactly the same situation.

For the contents page I used a layout with similar colour scheme to the front cover in order for some sort of imagery to remain consistent throughout. Inspiration for the contents page came from stereotypical 1960s american homicide police reports, the central page text designation and the layout of the title text is near identical and at least follows the same pattern. The yellow sections of text are used simply to highlight a quick caption of what is located on that page.

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